Victorian Corset Construction Page 2...
A Second Victorian Underpinnings project...
Laughing Moon's Silverado Pattern...
Welcome to Yvette's
a costume site
March 15, 2007:

I'm about to embark on my second and third projects, one for Lisa, and one for myself, drafted from the Laughing Moon Silverado Pattern.

Lisa wants an overdress corset as part of a modern dress.  I'll be making hers first, with a chemise underneath based on an idea currently rolling in my head.  It will be like a modern corset dress, just about knee length.

I plan on making two Silverado corsets for myself.  One regular version in some pretty silk dupioni I found recently, and another one for the Accolade.  Why two?  So many colors... And, I've been recently thinking about building the Accolade corset into the gown itself, so perhaps it will not be a separate piece...

Lisa wants hers in sky blue.  I did the dye process the other day, and here are the results.  I dyed a white silk brocade along with silk crepe and the lacing. Here are some photos of the fabric.
March 19, 2007:

I've finished mock-ups of the Silverado corset for Lisa and myself, and started on my version first.   At this point, it is ready to be tried on for some fitting checks.  Here are some photos of mine:

This page was last updated: March 21, 2013
Dore Corset Project Pages...
March 19, 2007:

Today I started cutting and assembling Lisa's corset, attempting to line up the seams so the pattern continues through them.  Here are some progress photos.  I am partially successful, but it is hard going...
April 9, 2007:

I finally checked the fit of my Silverado on me, and did some tinkering.  I had to greatly reduce the size of the bust gores; the Silverado seems to be way too big in the bust.  I'm able to reduce by one inch more on this one... I think.
Here are a few photos:
I continued the time consuming and tedious process of piecing together Lisa's corset, trying to get the seams aligned so that the pattern continues through them.  I am partially successful.  I have five pieces yet to go...
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April 13, 2007:

Here are photos of my first Silverado corset... I am also currently working on a chemise to go under it; you see the unfinished chemise in the photos here with the finished corset.
The more ambitious of the corsets is yet underway:  I have Lisa's Silverado pieced with three panels left to go.

April 18, 2007:

I have some fitting photos of Lisa in the unboned corset.  It needed quite a bit of adjusting, so a good portion of the seam alignment has been lost.  Still, she seems to be very happy with it.

Here are a few fitting photos.   The corset is in what I call... The ugly stage.  I have noticed, at least with the three I have made to date, they all look ugly at this point.  Lisa, on the other hand, does not.  ;)
After we took these photos, I put in the boning channels.  What a difference the channels themselves make, and then the bones, to smooth things out.  No photos yet, but it's coming along.

May 19, 2007:

Both corsets and underdresses are nearly finished.  Lisa's dress needs a bit of tweaking at the hemline, front left side in particular. Here are some photos on the dress form.  I'll get photos of us wearing them in the coming days.

May 23, 2007:
Last night was the Event, and Lisa dressed up.  Here are a few photos of her wearing the corset dress:

There's a Boggart in all that...

This page and its links reflect my best efforts in costuming.

Projects linking to  their own pages are featured here. Click the images to visit their individual pages.
Welcome to Yvette's                            
A Second Victorian Corset
As of March 2013, Nearly ten years ago I set out to teach myself to sew so that I could create inspired costumes such as those featured on my site.

I created this site  to share what I've done. It launched August 18, 2004, and has been growing ever-since.

In addition to costume construction pages, there are pages featuring portraits of the costumes being worn.

Costuming is a hobby I love documenting, but I do not do commissions, nor do I sell patterns.

Please visit where your interests lead you, and enjoy.
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